George ( Ellen Muth) is sure that something good is coming. She finds a 20$ bill on the street. But when she goes to join the reapers at the Waffle Haus, she is criticized for constantly quitting her jobs. She goes to see Delores (Christine Willes) to ask for her job at Happy Time back again, and is refused. But Delores is phoned by the cat-sitter who tells her that her cat, Murray, is sick, and George rushes off with her to bring the cat to the vet. There, George sees the child (Spencer Achtymichuk) who is the reaper of animals and she warns Dolores not to let the kid touch Murray.

Mason (Callum Blue) asks Daisy to help him pick up a woman. She tells him that he should use his strengths. He’s British, so he should be James Bond. But his lines are so lame that he gets slapped a lot, until a Goth girl (Jewel Staite, whom we know as Kaylee from Firefly) finds out he’s a grim reaper and finds him irresistible. They get it on in a back room and then she slaps him.

Rube takes a note to a yoga class, where the trainer is going to die. It’s an erotic yoga class and filled with babes. Rube shakes the trainer’s (Aroun Levert) hand and he dies taking a risky yoga pose that aggravates an old injury. Delores sees the vet (Jay Brazeau), who tells her that Murray is old and sick. Rube does yoga with the dead guy, who gives Rube advice on life. Finally, he is taken away by a glowing woman on a huge lotus flower. George tells Delores that the universe will take care of everything and she is comforted. The animal-reaper pets some guy’s rabbit and leaves. George catches up with him, tells him she was killed by a toilet-seat from space and he thinks that’s cool. He says he was killed by a drunk driver and now lives dead on the streets. George gives him the twenty bucks she found.

George’s family prepares for a ceremony at George’s tombstone on the first anniversary of her death. Her sister Reggie (Brit McKillup) and her mother (Cynthia Stevenson) apologize to her for not telling her they loved her. Later, the reapers come with George to the site. Daisy puts flowers on her grave. Mason pees on the tombstone of someone he didn’t like. Rube opens a bottle of champagne and they toast George. Then they chase off the Gravelings, who are smashing tombstones.

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