George at the age of ten (Talia Ranger), hanging out in the pool, finds a girl even geekier than her, picked on by the mean girls. George thinks she would be better off as a mean girl. George Ellen Muth), Mason (Callum Blue), and Daisy (Laura Harris) all get post-it notes. George has five minutes to get to her reapee, who is trying to fix his lawnmower while it’s running.  Back At Happy Time, she meets the new computer geek, Ethan (Neil Grayston), who tells her that a Nazi group  has taken over her website. She rushes to clear her files, but the charming guy tells her that he has re-organized it to make that job easier.

Daisy goes to a plastic-surgery clinic but has a hard time finding the woman she must reap. Then she finds out it’s a man named Ken (Joseph May) who wants a sex-change operation. Two women in the waiting room get in a fight about their operations and one throws her stiletto-heel shoe, which hits Ken in the forehead. He hates it that he died a man and wonders why God did this to him. He goes to a church with Daisy, where he curses God for not loving all creatures. Some boys throw a rock through the stained-glass window and Daisy goes out to chase them away. A bright light from the altar envelopes Ken and when she comes back, he’s gone.

Mason follows his note to a men’s spa, where he meets his target (Shelley Berman) who high-dives from the high-board, but a Graveling pees on the board, he slips, and he is killed. His mean friends laugh at him. He tells Mason he wants to go to his own funeral, but Mason tells him it isn’t done, and besides he’s completely naked and his enormous balls are hanging out. Mason takes him to the diner and the sight of him freaks out all the reapers. Rube (Mandy Patinkin) asks him why he wants to attend his funeral and is told that he’d just like to see if any of his friends actually liked him. Rube manages to find out that the only person who ever loved him was his wife Betty, who died years ago. So, Rube says, don’t keep her waiting any longer.

George’s little sister Reggie (Britt McKillip) goes to the mall with her Mom, (Cynthia Stevenson). Reggie is befriended by a cool shopgirl, who pins back her hair and advises her on clothing. Mom goes shopping too and a good-looking clerk asks her what she wants. She says the last ten years of my life back. He gives her advice and she leaves the store. Some guy tells her she looks hot. Later, Reggie goes back to the store and sees the same cool salesgirl telling some other young girl exactly the same thing and pins her hair back.

George decides to be a mean girl at work and it works out well for her. The world is run by assholes, and images flash through her mind—Hitler, Idi Amin, Stalin, and Donald Trump. Incidentally this was some thirteen years before Trump ran for President, which I think was pretty prescient of them. But being an ass-hole backfires on George. Her few friends at Happy Time stop liking her and when she ruins an origami gift from Ethan, for which she feels terrible, he quits.

As a little girl, George is pushed into the pool by the geeky girl she befriended, who is accepted among the mean girls. George sinks to the bottom of the pool. Two Gravelings come up to take her away—the best closeup of the creatures we’ve seen yet—but one whispers in the other’s ear and they back off. People dive in and save George’s ten-year-old life.

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